Foster Care Church Partnerships Group Care

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We partner with churches and families to provide Christ-centered foster care.

Why We Exist

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Our Story

With a vision to see all children loved and well cared for, our founder, S. Truett Cathy and his wife, Jeannette, established WinShape Homes more than 35 years ago. Today, we’ve placed hundreds of children in need with families who are guided by Christ to care, and we continue to support church ministries in establishing foster programs. WinShape families are connected to an unparalleled network of care designed to ensure that children are restored in mind, body and spirit.

foster care

Group Care

The Group Care Program at WinShape Homes serves a unique population of children and families in need of long-term support. With a focus on private placements, this referral-based program exists to provide a loving, nurturing and Christ-centered family context for children in need of extended care and relational healing.

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