Celebrating National Foster Care Month

Celebrating You, Foster Parents!

Each May, a national emphasis is placed on foster care through National Foster Care Month. This is a special time for us at WinShape Homes and WinShape Foster Care because of our mission – one that calls us to love and care for children who are in need of a stable, loving home. With ten long-term placement homes and our newer traditional foster care ministry, we have the opportunity to care for so many children in a unique, Christ-centered way.

Foster care in the U.S. is at a critical level. More than 400,000 children are in the country’s foster care system, with close to 14,000 in Georgia’s system alone. That is tragic! But, here at WinShape, we are celebrating our house parents and foster care parents who have been called and set apart to step into the crisis and love these children.

Up early, running from the doctor’s office to an urgent issue at school, getting three kids to the dentist and one to dance or basketball, making sure food is prepared, meeting with case workers and biological parents or custody holders…knowing the next day will bring the same – maybe more – all over again. There really isn’t one day that is the same for these parents. The only constant is being prepared for the unexpected. It takes a special couple to live in one of our homes or step into traditional foster care. It’s hard work, but work that reaps huge rewards.

Our mission is clear. As I’ve shared countless times during my career over the last 22 years, our work is Gospel-centric. Children – especially those who are downtrodden, abandoned and orphaned – hold a special place throughout Scripture. We are living out the Word at WinShape Homes. It can be tough, but it is His work.

During this special month, we give a big shout out and thank you to our WinShape Homes and WinShape Foster Care parents! We see and hear of your incredible impact on these children daily, and we’re honored to work alongside you.