Foster Care Church Partnerships Group Care

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Clinical Care

Rooted in biblical values, we support families by providing trauma-informed care. Something that sets WinShape Homes apart is our team of licensed professional counselors. The children in our homes and the families who are fostering have access to our clinical team.

Trauma-Informed Care

Children in the foster care system experience trauma and as a result of this they become the most vulnerable among us. Care for the most vulnerable in our community means caring for the well-being of our entire community. Research confirms that when we prioritize the needs of the vulnerable, everyone benefits.

How We Support

Counseling Services

Each fostering family at WinShape Homes has access to one of our professional counselors. We believe healing and transformation happens when we prioritize mental health through trauma-informed care.

Free Training & Resources

Our clinical team wants to help you in the journey as your family and your church become trauma-informed. That's why we are dedicated to developing content and resources that educate and inspire healing and restoration.

Church Equipping

As churches launch and develop foster care ministries we want to empower every community to become trauma-informed. Not only do we offer free resources, but our clinical team also provides online and in-person trainings.

Clinical Resources

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